An introduction to Traci Brimhall

I wanted to introduce you to Traci Brimhall. This book ‘Come the Slumberless to the Land of Nod’ was a massive awakening to me. It has an amazing sense of magical realism. It holds so many deafening images that have stuck with me for a very long time. Have a read of this poem and then look below for an exercise to try.

Prompt of the day

Perhaps you could try writing a poem using the same structural tools as Traci. By which I mean:

Let the ………….

The exercise is all about stringing seemingly unconnected images together in an effort to create a strange and disconcerting feeling. Traci has done well to drop some wonderful images there, specially on that ‘firey’ final line. So make sure to look at your own visuals. We want to be transported to somewhere completely new.

Have fun.

Arji Manuelpillai

Poet, Performer, Creative facilitator

Helping people express themselves

The poetry of Wanda Coleman


Create a poem about an old friend